The Holbrook Police Department offers a safe and secure meeting place for residents to complete online transactions.
Holbrook Police partnered with OfferUp, an online marketplace, to establish a “MeetUp Spot” at the police station to ensure buyers and sellers can make safe, in-person transactions with more peace of mind.
Those who would like to utilize the service can go to the police station, 300 South Franklin St., to complete online transactions made through Facebook, Craigslist, or another medium. An area in the station’s parking lot has been designated as the MeetUp Spot.
While the Holbrook Police Department cannot guarantee the quality or authenticity of items purchased online, the MeetUp Spot was created to give residents a safe, secure and public spot to purchase and sell items.
The Holbrook police station is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is covered by security cameras.